Robust Autonomy to elicit full potential of mobile robots and spacecrafts

Hey there, I am a PhD Candidate at TAMU Aerospace. My research is focused on robust autonomy, sensor fusion, and proximity operations of autonomous agents. I am affiliated with LASR lab and being advised by Professors Manoranjan Majji and John Junkins .

My background includes aerospace GNC, process control, industrial measurement, and optimal control. I have six years of industry experience in process control, embedded systems, robotic manipulation, V&V, and large-scale software development.

The most recent been my time at MathWorks, where I developed end-to-end V&V tools to enable SIL, HIL, and autocode generation for various robotics manipulators. Some of my contributions that are currently offered as individual products and workflow examples Prior to joing MathWorks, I obtained my Masters in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Kanpur, where I investigated Optimal landing strategy on a uniformly rotating homogeneous rectangular parallelepiped under the advisement of Professor Ashish Tewari

Research Interests :
  • Space Robotics
  • Autonomous Space and Planatary Proximity Operations
  • Pose estimation using fusion of relative range, IMU and vision sensors
  • On-orbit Satellite Servicing
  • Embedded System Design and Development

I am Actively looking for full-time positions in the area of Guidance, Navigation and Control, Flight Simulation, Verification, and Validation, starting in June 2025.

Interactive Skill Tree (click here for full screen)

Relevant Courses


Celestial Mechanics Flight Dynamics Space Dynamics-I Dynamics and Vibration
Introduction to Aerospace Engg Continuum Mechanics Spacecraft Dynamics and Control Cryogenics

Digital Computing

Embedded systems Control system components Microprocessor Microcontroller and its apllication
Digital Signal Processing Digital system design

Sensor Modeling

Applied Electronics Industrial Electronics Linear Electronics Electrical and Electronic measurement
Measurement Technique 1 & 2

Classical Control

Control theory Process control 1 & 2 Control system design

Modern Control

Non linear and digital control Optimal Space Flight Control Flight Stability and Control Nonlinear and Adaptive Control
Optimal Spacecraft Attitude & Orbital Maneuvers Modern Control of Aerospace System Adaptive Control

Estimation Theory

Autonomous Navigation Modern Control of Aerospace System

Publications as the primary author

  1. Parikh, D., Khowaja A.H., Majji, M., Robust Proximity Operations using Probabilistic Markov Models, Under review for ICRA 2025.
    • A Markov decision process-based state switching is devised, implemented, and analyzed for proximity operations of various autonomous vehicles.
    • The framework contains a pose estimator along with a multi-state guidance algorithm. The unified pose estimator leverages the extended Kalman filter for the fusion of measurements from rate gyroscopes, monocular vision, and ultra-wideband radar sensors.
    • It is also equipped with Mahalonobis distance-based outlier rejection and underweighting of measurements for robust performance.
    • The use of probabilistic Markov models to transition between various guidance modes is proposed to enable robust and efficient proximity operations.
    • The framework is validated through an experimental analysis of the docking of two small satellites and the precision landing of an aerial vehicle.

  2. Parikh, D., Ahrens T.L., Majji, M., A Rapid Trajectory Optimization and Control Framework for Resource-Constrained Applications, Under review for ACC 2025.
    • This paper presents a computationally efficient model predictive control formulation that uses an integral Chebyshev collocation method to enable rapid operations of autonomous agents.
    • By posing the finite-horizon optimal control problem and recursive re-evaluation of the optimal trajectories, minimization of the L2 norms of the state and control errors are transcribed into a quadratic program.
    • Control and state variable constraints are parameterized using Chebyshev polynomials and are accommodated in the optimal trajectory generation programs to incorporate the actuator limits and keepout constraints.
    • Differentiable collision detection of polytopes is leveraged for optimal collision avoidance.
    • Results obtained from the collocation methods are benchmarked against the existing approaches on an edge computer to outline the performance improvements.
    • Collaborative control scenarios involving multi-agent space systems are considered to demonstrate the technical merits of the proposed work.

    TPODS Docking with Collision Avoidance and MPC

    Computational performance of MPC3 Generated on Teensy 4.1 development board

  3. Parikh, D., Majji, M., Pose estimation of CubeSats via sensor fusion and Error-State Extended Kalman Filter, 2024 AAS Guidance, Navigationand Control Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado
    • Pose estimation technique based on error-state extended Kalman that fuses angular rates, accelerations, and relative range measurements is presented in this paper.
    • Anunconstrained dynamic model with kinematic coupling for a thrust-capable satellite is considered for the state propagation, and a pragmatic measurement model of the rate gyroscope, accelerometer, and an ultra-wideband radio are leveraged for the measurement update.
    • The error-state extended Kalman filter framework is formulated for pose estimation, and its performance has been analyzed via several simulation scenarios.
    • An application of the pose estimator for proximity operations and scaffolding formation of CubeSat deputies relative to their mother-ship is outlined.
    • The performance of the error-state extended Kalman filter is demonstrated using experimental analysis consisting of a 3-DOF thrust cable satellite mock-up, rate gyroscope, accelerometer, and ultra-wideband radar modules.

    TPODS LOS Guidance with UWB and IMU Pose Estimation

    Experimental Setup

  4. Parikh, D., Majji, M., Estimation Of Inertial Properties Of A Rigid Structure Maneuvered By Satellite Modules, 2023AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, Montana
    • This study makes advancements to devise, implement and validate an algorithm for the estimation of inertial parameters of a rigid structure, to be maneuvered with the help of Transforming Proximity Operations and Docking Service (TPODS) satellite modules.
    • The primary contribution of this activity is observability analysis to infer a conducive input sequence for estimating the inertial parameters.
    • For the experimental validation of proposed estimation algorithm, real-time pose measurements are logged through the VICON® motion capture system and the recorded data is utilized to assess the performance of the estimation algorithm to predict mass and moment of inertia of an isolated TPODS module.

    TPODS Moving Semi-rigid structure

    Monte-Carlos Analysis for mass estimation

  5. Parikh, D. et al. A Scalable Tabletop Satellite Automation Testbed: Design And Experiments, 2023 AAS Guidance, Navigationand Control Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado


    TPODS Thruster System

  7. Parikh, D., Tewari, A. Optimal Landing Strategy on a Uniformly Rotating Homogeneous Rectangular Parallelepiped. J Astronaut Sci 68, 120–149 (2021).
    • Low-thrust, optimal strategies are investigated for making a smooth landing on a uniformly rotating, homogeneous rectangular parallelepiped while avoiding the sharp corners during the approach.
    • The individual effects of principal spherical harmonic coefficients on the stability against impact are determined numerically.
    • An iterative predictor-corrector algorithm is utilized to find a direct and retrograde family of equatorial orbits.
    • Stability analysis of equatorial orbits confirms the fact that retrograde orbits are less prone to disturbances than direct orbits.
    • For an optimal landing, each approach trajectory begins from a stable equatorial orbit, and terminates at a prescribed landing point.
    • The optimality conditions are given by Euler-Lagrange equations, and the associated two-point boundary value problem is solved by a collocation method with additional path constraints, and its results are compared with those of a direct nonlinear programming search technique.
    • A sample inclined orbit is also studied for a possible non-planar optimal approach in the body-fixed frame, and further investigated for various landing locations.

    Direct approach

    Retrograde approach

    Inclined Direct approach

  8. Parikh, D., Patel, J., & Barve, J., Quad-copter UAV BLDC Motor Control: Linear v/s non-linear control maps. Nirma University Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 25. 2015.[PDF]

  9. Comparision of response


MathWorks India

Robotics Developer [2019-2022]

Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited

Instrumentation & Control Engineer [2014-2017]

Previous Projects

Masters Thesis

Orbital Stability and Optimal Landing Strategy on a Uniformly Rotating Homogeneous Rectangular Parallelepiped.

Course Project

Fixed time and finite time energy optimized landing trajectories for quadrotor vehicle in constrained 3-D environment.

Development of the controller for Quadrotor UAV

Minor research project

Intelligent Ground Control Vehicle, IIT Kanpur

Technical Mentor, GNC.

Team Robocon, Nirma University

GNC Lead, robot 1.

DIY Projects

RC QuadCopter UAV, Fixed Wing Aircraft and more


  1. Best Poster - Third Position, Poster Session, National Academy of Engineering Regional meeting Synmposium on Space and Time. April, 2024
  2. Graduate Excellence Fellowship Award Fall 2024, Texas A & M University.
  3. Graduate Excellence Fellowship Award Spring 2023, Texas A & M University.
  4. American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects (ASIE) 2022 Scholarship.
  5. Academic Excellence Awards for the year 2018, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
  6. Academic Excellence Awards for the year 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
  7. Departmental Gold medal, Instrumentation and Control Engineering batch 2014, Nirma University.

Best Poster - Third Position

National Academy of Engineering Regional meeting Synmposium, Texas A & M University.

ASIE 2022 Scholarship

American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects Annual Holiday Event, Houston.

Departmental Gold medal

Instrumentation and Control Engineering batch 2014, Nirma University.


Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 2019.


A NASA report on fatigue in ISS crew members states that crewmembers spend a considerable amount of time performing inspections and routine maintenance of ISS. In this area, automation could substantially reduce the frustration of crewmembers regarding wasting valuable time in orbit. Furthermore, in the distance, there are more than a million debris objects between 1 cm to 10 cm orbiting the earth for many years[1]. As an aerospace control engineer, I feel that the lack of robust autonomy in modern spacecraft and congestion in space has the potential to thwart future space exploration attempts. However, they can be mitigated by leveraging advancements in aerospace guidance, navigation, and control, emphasizing proximity operations.

The recent advancements in aerospace GNC have enabled workflows that were termed inconceivable earlier. The ability to control dispersions throughout Falcon 9 first stage flight is a prime reason that enabled SpaceX to achieve an autonomous precision landing[2]. Moreover, recent anomalies with the Nauka module’s autonomous docking system and subsequent loss of attitude control of the ISS for a brief period reinforce the importance of robust autonomy during proximity operations[3]. In addition, heavily researched workflows such as on-orbit satellite servicing and active debris mitigation have the potential to enable efficient utilization of low earth orbital environment. Consequently, I focused my doctoral studies on spacecraft GNC pertaining to pose estimation, sensor fusion and proximity operations.

Projects that excites me

Long term goals

Advanced spacecraft motion emulators

I believe that the current state-of-the-art spacecraft motion emulation facilities result from colossal capital investment and are mainly funded / operated by government agencies. Usually, such facilities are not in reach for smaller private companies and academia.

However, due to advancements of CubeSat technology, increased proximity operations, miniaturization of electronics, and powerful actuators, there is a need for accessible and low-cost spacecraft motion emulators that can provide a true 6-DOF gravity compensated test environment. I believe that my previous knowledge of instrumentation, robotics, controls, embedded systems, large-scale system design, and the V-model of system development will enable me to efficiently design, maintain and utilize spacecraft motion emulation platforms.

A few academic laboratories with Satelite Motion Emulators:

Enhanced autonomy in Free-Flyer robots

A NASA report on fatigue in ISS crew members states that crewmembers spend a considerable amount of time performing inspections and routine maintenance of ISS. In this area, automation could substantially reduce the frustration of crewmembers regarding wasting valuable time in orbit.

I want to apply my previous experience with robotics, control, and space proximity operations to devise algorithms, design various experiments and build flight hardware to enhance spacecraft autonomy so that the routine maintenance tasks can be handed over to space robots.

Efficient and widespread utilization of analytical research into real-world applications

I aspire to become a research professional in academia and gradually build an ecosystem where various government and private agencies can partner with the institution for efficient and widespread utilization of analytical research and lab-scale prototypes into real-world applications. Attending the prestigious Doctorate’s program would grant me an opportunity to collaborate with leading researchers on projects ranging from conceptual design to final flight hardware validation for various space missions.

Get In Touch

I am Actively looking for full time positions in the area of Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control, Flight Simulation, Verification and Validation, starting from June, 2025.

  • Address

    Aerospace Engineering,
    Texas A&M University,
    701 H.R. Bright Bldg
    College Station, TX
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